Every academic year, the Library and Editorial Committee of the Law Students’ Union of the University of Ghana publishes a journal of legal articles written by law students on various legal issues. Unfortunately, the COVID-19 pandemic truncated the 2019/2020 academic year and prevented the publication of hard copies of the 2020 Edition of the University of Ghana Student Law Journal.
The articles in the 2020 edition of the journal contain well-researched analyses of pertinent legal issues expressed in a clear and easily comprehensible manner. The high quality of the journal is therefore a testament to the amount of hard work and time invested by students and the past Editorial Committee members in the production of the journal.
We would hate to see these efforts wasted as it is genuinely too late to publish hard copies of the journal.
Therefore, we chose to publish this e-version of the 2020 Journal on our School’s website.
We hope you enjoy your read.
1. Community Sentence As A Type Of Punishment In 21st Century Ghana
Katherine Akpe Aglobitse & Cornelia Selorm Blewusi
2. An Epistle To Woodman: Does The Fee Simple Exist In Ghana?
Kwame Adusei & Frederick Agaaya Adongo
3. Adverse Possession Of Land: A Perusal Of The Doctrine As Applicable In Ghana
Moses Ekow Andoh
4. Identifying The Virtual Infringer: Ghana’s Copyright Law And Its Purpose In The Digital World
Emmanuel Bugyei
5. Sports Law? Or Sports And The Law?
Godslove Emmanuel Bogobley
6. The Law On Rape In Ghana: A Violation Of The Constitution Of Ghana, 1992?
Daniel Ewusi Awuku
7. Ghana’s Laws (Trade And Investment Laws) And Trading Activities
Of Nationals Of Ecowas In Ghana: An Analysis In The Context Of Ghana’s International Law Obligation
M. S. Atiiga
8. Judicial Euthanasia: The Case Of Elikplim Agbemava And Others
V. Attorney General (Montie 3 Presidential Pardon Case)
Moesha Teiko Amanor
9. Where The Law Of Immovable Property Met Jurisprudence:
Memuna Moudy V. Antwi And The Use Of Public Policy In The Courts
Nana Kweku Apraku Agyepong
10. Render To Caesar What Is Caesar’s; Taxation Of Churches In Ghana
Kwasi Gyamfi Boadu & Kofi Dankwa Osafo
11. Trade Without Discrimination: A Discussion On Whether The Exceptions
In The Gatt’94 Undermine The Most Favored Nation Principle
Emmeline Ziwu & Kwabena Owusu Boateng
12. The Killing Of Iranian General Qasem Soleimani: The Slippery Slope Of Anticipatory Self Defence
Oheneba Kwame Safo Acheampong