Project Period: 2022 to 2025
Grant Partner: Norwegian Agency for Development Cooperation (NORAD)
Project Summary:
This project, which is currently being implemented, is intended to identify, train and build the knowledge base and research capacity of students, policy and lawmakers, in all aspects of ocean governance and the law of the sea. Further the project is intended, through various Gaps Assessment initiatives, Implementation Guides and proposed Bills, to support a National Framework for Ocean Governance in Ghana.
Some of the major project activities carried out so far include the development and accreditation of the LL.M. and M.A. programmes in Law of the Sea and Ocean Governance, which has been run successfully for two academic years, and has attracted practitioners, industry persons and policy makers. As part of its capacity building mandate, the project has successfully trained mid to high-level rank public officials in the fundamentals of ocean governance and the law of the sea. The project also successfully held a consultative forum on the Ocean Governance study commissioned by the UN Division on Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea (DOALOS).
Some upcoming activities include public consultations on a Gaps Assessment of the Ocean Governance Study to be commissioned by DOALOS spanning from June through to August 2024, and an interdisciplinary Conference in September 2024 on the theme, “Emerging Issues in Maritime Boundary Delimitation and Ocean Governance”.