Dr Prince Obiri-Korang received his Doctor of Laws Degree (LLD) in 2020 at the University of Johannesburg (UJ) where he acquired the degree in record time. His study was supervised by the distinguished Professor Dr Dr Dr Michael Martinek who was then Chair of Institute for European Law (civil law, commercial and business law, International Private Law and Comparative Law, Institute for European Law) at Saarland University in Saarbrücken, Germany. Prince completed his doctoral study in Private International Law of Contracts/International Commercial Law with his research focusing on the choice of law rules in international commercial contracts. He was awarded the prestigious Global Excellence Stature (GES) bursary by UJ for his doctoral studies. Prince was also an awardee of the GES bursary for his Master of Laws (LLM) studies in International Commercial Law (UJ flagship programme) at the Research Centre for Private International Law in Emerging Countries at the Faculty of Law, UJ. During the course of his doctoral study, Prince visited Germany to serve as a Research Fellow at the Institute for European Law in Saarbrücken, German.
After completing his doctorate, Prince was again awarded a fellowship to support his research at the Research Centre for Private International Law in Emerging Countries where he is currently a Senior Research Fellow. Prince serves as a guest lecturer for the LLM in International Commercial Law at the Faculty of Law, UJ. He has also served as the lecturer for the International Trade Law and the Business Law at the undergraduate level at the same faculty. Prince has supervised and continues to supervise LLM dissertations in various universities. He has also been the assessor for a number of dissertations/theses.
Prince won the University of Johannesburg Postdoctoral Research Fellow of the Year Award (Faculty of Law) in 2021.
Currently, Prince has been appointed as the coordinator for the LLM in Law and Development at the University of Ghana School of Law (UGSoL). At UGSoL, he lectures in International Commercial Law, Banking Law and Commercial Conflict of Laws, Alternative Dispute Resolution, Globalisation and Commercial Contracts etc. He is also a Senior Research Fellow at the Research Centre for Private International Law in Emerging Countries at the Faculty if Law of the University of Johannesburg.
1. Post Doctorate – Research Centre for Private International Law in Emerging Countries
2. Doctor of Laws (LLD) – Private International Law/International Commercial Law
3. Master of Laws (LLM) – International Commercial Law
4. Practical Vocational/Legal Training (PVT) – Law Society of South Africa (School of Legal Practice, Johannesburg)
5. Certificate in Civil/Divorce Mediation
6. Bachelor of Laws (LLB)
7. Bachelor of Science (BSc) – Agricultural Science
Area of specialisation
Private International Law of Contracts
International Commercial Law
International Trade Law
Commercial Law
Banking Law
Contract Law
(a) Peer-Reviewed Journal Articles
1. Obiri-Korang, P (2020). A re-examination at the conflict rules governing the validity of international contracts Journal of Comparative Law in Africa, 7(2), 41-59.
2. Obiri-Korang, P (2021). Party autonomy: promoting legal certainty and predictability in international commercial contracts through choice of law (Justification) – Journal of South African Law/Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse, 2021(1), 43-58.
3. Obiri-Korang, P (2021). ECOWAS law-making regime: translating community acts into national laws of Member States – Legon Journal for International Affairs and Diplomacy, 11(1) 1-16.
4. Obiri-Korang, P (2022). Party autonomy: Promoting legal certainty and predictability in international commercial contracts through choice of law (Applicable rules of law) – Journal of South African Law/Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse, 2022(1), 106-121.
5. Obiri-Korang, P (2022). Reconsidering the abolition of capital punishment in Ghana: the need for legislative and constitutional amendments – Bratislava Law Review, 6(1), 1-23.
6. Obiri-Korang, P (2022). Primary Connecting Factors Considered by South African Courts to Determine the Applicable Law of International Contracts on the Sale of Goods. Lex Portus, 8(5), 7–47.
7. Obiri-Korang, P. (2023). Overriding Mandatory Rules Applicable to International Sales of Goods: Evidence from South Africa. Lex Portus, 9(1), 7–19.
8. Obiri-Korang, P (2023). Contracts for the Sale of Goods: Passing of Property in Goods Under the Law of the United Kingdom and Ghana. Journal of Comparative Law in Africa, 10(1), 1-15.
9. Acquah, RNA, & Obiri-Korang, P (2023). Recognition and Enforcement of Foreign Judgments in International Sales Contracts: A Comparative Study of the Brussels I bis Regulation and the Law of Ghana. Lex Portus, 9(5), 7–22.
10. Obiri-Korang, P, & Ndlovu,VJ. (2024). Potential Influence of Article 6(1)(b) of the Hague Principles on Choice of Law in International Commercial Contracts on Indian Private International Law. Lex Portus, 10(3), 7–18.
(b) Book Reviews
1. Obiri-Korang, P (2021) – The Law of Business Associations in Zambia: An Introduction (by Mumba Malali and Chanda Chungu Juta & Co (Pty) Ltd: Cape Town 2019 (first edition)) – Journal of South African Law/Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse, Volume 2021, Issue 4, 873-876.
2. Obiri-Korang, P (2021) – The Rental Housing Act: Amendments, annotations and commentary (by Philip Stoop Juta & Co (Pty) Ltd: Cape Town 2020) – Journal of South African Law/Tydskrif vir die Suid-Afrikaanse, Volume 2021, Issue 4, 881-882.