Godwin Djokoto is a Senior Lecturer at the University of Ghana School of Law where he teaches Immovable Property Law, Banking Law, Equity and Succession, Contract Law and Law of the Sea (in Public International Law). Godwin is a Ph.D. candidate at the Australian National Centre for Ocean Resources and Security(ANCORS) at the University of Wollongong, Australia. He holds a Master of Laws (LL.M) degree from the Schulich School of Law, Dalhousie University in Halifax Nova Scotia, Canada. He also holds a Bachelor of Laws(LL.B) degree from the University of Ghana. Upon completion of his Qualifying Certificate of Law(QCL) at the Ghana School of Law, he was called the Ghana Bar in 2003. Godwin is a member of the expert panel working on the Ocean Governance Study for Ghana commissioned by the Division for Ocean Affairs and the Law of the Sea (DOALOS) of the Office of Legal Affairs of the United Nations. He was a member of the Legal and Technical Team which represented Ghana in the Ghana-Cote D’Ivoire Maritime Boundary Dispute before the International Tribunal on the Law of the Sea (ITLOS), Hamburg, Germany. He was also a Member of the International Panel of Experts appointed by the FAO (of the UN) and International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED) in the United Kingdom to review the Technical Guidelines for lawyers in the implementation of the Voluntary Guidelines on Governance of Tenure (VGGT) relating to land, forestry and fisheries. Godwin also has extensive experience in legal consultancy and private legal practice. He has carried out consultancies in the fields of banking, international fisheries management, land law, regulation of the construction industry and many others. He has served as resource person for several organizations including the Commercial Court, the Ghana Shippers Authority, the International Union for the Conservation of Nature (IUCN) and the Ascertainment of Customary Law Project on varied subjects. In 2005, he worked at the Legal Advisory Section of the Office of the Prosecutor at the International Criminal Court in The Hague as an intern. In this capacity, he was tasked with, among others, the responsibility of writing a commentary on the Rome Statute of the ICC particularly on the admissibility and presentation of evidence before the ICC and other international criminal tribunals under the Legal Tools Project. Godwin is a member of the World Jurist Association and the Ghana Bar Association. He has authored peer-reviewed articles and author of the book “The Law of Mortgages in Ghana”. He is also the Editor of the Commercial Law Reports of Ghana.
- LL.M, Schulich School of Law, Dalhousie University, Nova Scotia, Canada
- BL.-Ghana School of Law, Accra, Ghana
- L.B -University of Ghana, Legon, Ghana
- Law of the Sea
- Maritime Boundary Delimitation
- Immovable Property Law
- Banking Law
- Maritime Law
- Ocean Law and Policy
- Law of Mortgages
- Contract Law
- Equity and Succession
- Civil Procedure
- Djokoto G.(2020), 60 Years of Banking in Ghana: Landmarks of the Past and Lessons for the Future in Christine Dowuona-Hammond et al “Mobilising the Law for Ghana’s Future-Appraising to revolutionise, 203 (2020). Wildly, Simmonds and Hill Publishing, UK.
- Djokoto G.(2019) (Editor), Commercial Law Reports of Ghana (2008-2018), (published by Frontiers Printing and Publishing, Accra) Djokoto G.(2017), The Law of Mortgages in Ghana, 2017(book published by Frontiers Printing and Publishing, Accra).
- Djokoto G.(2013), Legislative Trajectory and Judicial Interventions on interest rates in Ghana (University of Ghana Law Journal, 2013, Vol. XXVI), 144.
- Djokoto G.(2010), Healing the Blind Spots: An Exposition and Critique of the Law on
- Maritime Liens under the Ghana Shipping Act, 2003 (University of Ghana Law Journal, Vol. XXIV (2008-2010), 145.
- Djokoto, G. & Opoku, K., (2010), Land Tenure in Ghana: Making a Case for Incorporation of Customary Law in Land Administration and Areas of Intervention by the Growing Forest Partnership. Gland, Switzerland, 2010;(can also be found at
- Djokoto G.(2007), Blazing the Path: An Assessment of the Contribution of the International Criminal Tribunal for Rwanda to the Jurisprudence on Genocide (University of Ghana Law Journal, Vol. XXIII (2005-2007), 25.
- Djokoto G.(1999)Dehumanizing Customary Practices and the Law (1999) published in “The Counsel”