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Considering the changing phase of labour and employment globally, as well as an increase in international employability, there is a need for a new type of specialist that can cope with international and comparative labor issues from a variety of perspectives.
Our MA/LLM in Labour Law and Practice provides a peculiarly in-depth and intrinsic study of domestic and international legal frameworks in labour and employment and human rights offering both practical and theoretical perspectives.
Our MA/LLM presents you with an excellent opportunity to combine knowledge of labour law with related areas such as human resource management, the labour market, and public policy, all from the Ghanaian and international perspectives. This is aimed ultimately to equip you with the requisite skills-set necessary for a modern professional in employment relations.


To help answer the need to facilitate economic growth, the University of Ghana School of Law’s M.A./LL.M. Labour Law and Practice programme adopts both top-down and bottom-up approaches to train public and private sector leadership and managerial staff with the objectives to:
1.    equip students with the requisite and essential skills to understand the basic concepts in labour and employment and to critically reflect upon theoretical approaches in the sector;

2.    build and instill a wide spectrum of knowledge and skills for those with professional interests in industrial and employment relations and to give graduates valuable employability skills that can be readily applied to a wide range of careers;

3.    expose students to international and comparative industrial and employment relations systems with a view to better understand the implications for current industrial relations systems and practices;
4.    explore the changing phase of labour and employment and to identify emerging issues, analyze and proffer relevant solutions to achieve effective industrial and employment relations strategies; and

5.    challenge students for creative thinking in applying legal and non-legal (ethical, social, cultural, economic) comparative approaches to industrial and employment relations systems.


One (1) Academic Year

Venue: University of Ghana – Accra City Campus, Adabraka.

Format: Hybrid (in-person and online lectures)


  • Mondays – Thursdays: 5:00pm – 8:00pm
  • Fridays                      3:00pm – 8:00pm


  • GHS 22,355.00 (Ghanaians)
  • USD 9,178.00 (Non-Ghanaians)
  • GHS 2,445.00 (Admission Processing Fees)


•    First degree from a recognized university.
•    Shortlisting / Interview.
•    M.A. – proven interest, exposure or experience in the labour market (prior knowledge in law not required).
•    LL.M. – degree in law.



The two-semester programme comprises lectures, seminars, field visits, job fairs and dissertation. There are core, required and elective courses. Continuous assessment shall be the main mode of examination. Students are therefore expected to actively participate in topical seminars and make innovative contributions on legal and non-legal approaches to policy and regulation of labour within their own contexts. Research works leading to dissertations and papers are expected to be selected according to student interests and of practical benefit to student-chosen institutions. Industry practitioners shall facilitate seminars and job fairs to increase student exposure to the job market and industry needs.

The M.A./LL.M. Labour Law and Practice programme includes the following core courses:
Fundamental Concepts in Labour and Employment Law – The Nature and Scope of Labour and Employment law; Theoritical perspectives on Labour and Employment; History of Ghana’s Labour Law; The Historical Development of Labour Regulation in Ghana; The Right to work; The Nature of the Employment Relationship; Institution of Employment Law; The Current Posture of Ghana’s Labour Law; The Labour Act 2003 (Act 651): The primary objective scope of application and the functional structure of the act; and The Future of Labour Law in Ghana: Prospects and Challenges

Labour and Employment Law: Emerging Issues – Privacy rights; Whistle-blower protection rights; Changing Patterns of work: Homework, Platform work and its regulation and issues emerging; Freedom of Association: Restrictions on employee political conduct and participation (on-duty and off-duty); Employer-Employee protected speech; and Intellectual property.

Labour Economics and Public Policy – Introduction: facts about employment and earnings; the supply and demand framework; Labour supply; Labour demand; Human capital: Returns to schooling and quality of education; The Wage Structure; Unemployment, Job Search and Matching; Discrimination; Unemployment; and Active Labour Market Policies
International Labour Law and Human Rights – An Introduction to International Labour Standards; Forced Labour; Freedom of Association, Collective Bargaining, and Industrial relations; International Employment Policies and Promotions; Equality of opportunity and treatment in employment and occupation; Protection of Children, and young persons; The law of discrimination; Statutory employment protection rights; and Employment and Pay equity

Introduction to Ghana Legal System and Methods (MA only) – The Major Legal Traditions of the World; Classification of the branches of Law: contracts, torts, crime, property, etc.; Introduction of British jurisdiction into the Gold Coast; History of the Court System in Ghana; Sources of Law in Ghana - The 1992 Constitution; Common Law; Customary Law; Equity; Statutes (primary and subordinate); Case Law etc; Type, jurisdiction and powers of Court and quasi-judicial bodies; Alternative procedures for the settlement of disputes, arbitration proceedings, settlement by reconciliation, negotiations, mediation etc; Elements of Civil and Criminal Procedure; The doctrine of Stare decisis and its operation in the Ghana Legal System; General principles of statutory interpretation; The Nature and History of Law /Definition of Law; and Remedies.



Contact Details:
Phone Numbers: +233 (0) 30 396 3750 / +233 (0) 30 395 8555