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Global Data Law Part II Registration Link

Global Data Law Part II

"African Data Protection Laws: Regulation, Practice, and Policy" (September 13-15, 2022)

Registration Link

Click on the appropriate day below to review the programme line up for the day.

Day 1 Opening of Conference

Tuesday, September 13th, 2022

10:00-11:00          Registration
11:00-11:15Welcome Address by Dean of the University of Ghana School of Law
11:15-11:35Address by Minister of Communications
11:35-11:55Speech by University of Ghana Vice-Chancellor
11:55-12:15Speech by German Ambassador
12:15-13:00 Coffee Break
Keynote Address by the AU Representative 
Keynote Address by Mr. Gencarelli - DG JUST (European Commission) 
Keynote Address by Mr. Peter Kimpian (Council of Europe)
14:30-15:00Presentation on “The State of Data Protection Law in Africa” by Prof. Alex Makulilo
15:00-15:15Discussion moderated by Mr. Justin Bryant
15:15-15:45Presentation on “Data Protection International Influence in Africa” by 
Prof. Graham Greenleaf & Prof. Bertil Cottier
15:45-16:00Discussion moderated by Prof. Sizwe Snail ka Mtuze
16:00-16:15Closing Remarks by Prof. Hennemann
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Webinar ID:674 4019 9596

Day 2 Session 1: Plenary

Wednesday, September 14, 2022

08:00 – 8:30Registration
08:45-09:00Introductory Remarks by Ms. Patricia Adusei-Poku (Ghana DPA)
09:00-10:00Plenary 1: Data Protection Enforcement Mechanisms
20 Minutes“Data Protection Enforcement in Africa – What is the way forward?” by Ms. Teki Akutteh
20 Minutes“Adopting Data Protection Impact Assessment (DPIA) in Africa: Lessons from Kenya’s DPIA Framework and Experiences” by Dr. Iheanyi Nwanko & Mr. Nelson Okeyo
20 Minutes“Does the Law Protect the Privacy of Ghanaians on the Internet? An Exploratory Study” by Ms. Setor Foe-Ahorney
10:00-10:15Facilitated Q&A Session
10:15-11:15       Plenary Session 2: Data Governance
TimeTime Activity
30 Minutes“Remodelling Data Governance Regimes with Group Privacy Perspectives” by Ms. Megan Kathure
30 Minutes“Exploring New Institutions for Data Governance Emerging in Africa’s Digital Economies” by Mr. Brian Tshuma
11:15 - 11:30Facilitated Q&A Session
11:30 - 12:30Coffee Break
12:30 - 13:13Plenary Session 3: Data Economy and Legal Harmonisation
30 Minutes“Cross-Border Data Flows: Oiling the wheel of the African Digital Economy” by Ms. Victoria Olomi
30 Minutes“An Inquiry into the Regional Harmonisation of Data Protection Regimes in Africa” by Dr. Uchenna Orji
13:30 - 13:45Facilitated Q&A Session
13:45 - 14:45Plenary Session 4: Digital Identity, Surveillance and Data Localisation
30 Minutes“Digital Identity, Surveillance, and Data Protection” by Ms. Aishat Salami & Mr. Ridwan Olodeye
30 Minutes“The Importance of Data Localisation in Cybercrime Investigations” by Ms. Melody Musoni
14:45 - 15:00Facilitated Q&A Session
15:00 - 15:15Closing Remarks by Dr. Sena Dei-Tutu
15:15 - 16:00Lunch & Networking
Direct ZOOM LINK (password: 668948)
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Webinar ID:674 4019 9596

Day 3 Conference Schedule

Thursday, September 15th, 2022

8:45 - 09:00Introductory remarks
09:00 - 10:00Plenary Session 5: Data Colonialism
Time          Activity
30 MInutes“Tech Law as Politics in Africa” by Dr. Mailyn Fidler
30 MInutes“African approaches to Data Protection Law” by Dr. Lukman Abdulrauf
10:00 - 10:15Facilitated Q&A Session
10:15 - 10:45Coffee Break
10:45 - 11:00Session Introductory Remarks by Prof. Atuguba
11:00 - 13:00Panel discussion: Data Protection Agenda 
Panellists: AU Representative, Mr. Peter Kimpian (CoE), Hon. (MP) Neema 
Lugangira (President of the African Parliamentary Network on Internent 
Governance), Ms. Patricia Adusei-Poku (Ghana DPA)
13:00 - 14:00Lunch & Networking
14:00 - 14:45Launch of the Data Protection Law and Policy Centre at the University of 
Ghana School of Law by Prof. Atuguba / Prof. Hennemann
14:00 - 14:45Closing Ceremony / Remarks Prof. Atuguba / Prof. Hennemann
18:00DINNER (venue to be disclosed later)
 Direct: ZOOM LINK (password: 668948)
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Webinar ID:674 4019 9596