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Increment in the University of Ghana School of Law Admission Processing Fees

We have received feedback on the recent increment in admission processing fees for Post-First Degree LL.B (PFD-LLB) applicants.


We very much appreciate your feedback and would like to explain as follows:

1. The new fee of GHS 2,500 is not solely for the entrance examination. It is for the entire admissions process, including examinations and interviews.

2. ⁠The increase is necessary to cover the increasing costs associated with administering the entrance examinations and interviews. This is essential to ensure a fair and thorough selection process.

3. UGSoL has one of the lowest undergraduate tuition fees anywhere in the world, currently below GHS 2,500 for an entire year for SHS entrants. Furthermore, we do not have a fee-paying option for regular undergraduate programmes.

4. The current fees under discussion are  only for special programmes, such as the PFD-LLB, due to the unique resources and structures required.

5. The Admissions Processing fees have 3 distinct components:

  • A. The Voucher Fee of GHS 220, now GHS 650. Please note that those who paid the previous Voucher Fee of GHS 220, are not required to pay the new fee of Ghc 650, since they paid before the increment.
  • B. The Examination Fee of  GHS 500, which is now GHS 1000, mainly due to the cost of organising in-person examinations and the cost of examination materials.
  • C. Interview Fees, now set at GHS 850. Anyone who does not pass the Examinations is not required to pay the interview fee.

6. We acknowledge that the communication of the fee change was not clear enough and may have caused inconvenience, especially for applicants who had already budgeted based on the initial fee of GHS 500 for the Examinations.


We apologize for any inconvenience this might have caused.

UGSoL values your desire to pursue a legal education, and remains dedicated to supporting you through this process.

For any further information or assistance, kindly contact our admissions office on the details provided below.

We appreciate your understanding.