Faculty of Law, University of Ghana in Partnership with the University of Western Australia in Perth, Australia, has developed a one-week executive short course in mining law and policy for stakeholders in the mining industry. The course which is the third in a series of three short courses is aimed at building the capacity of participants in mining law and policy. It is slated for the 2nd -6th of March, 2015.
- Understand the Minerals and Mining Act 2006
- Nature of Small Scale Mining Industry in Ghana
- Common Contractual Agreements in Mining Projects
- Community Agreements
- Interest Based Negotiations in Mining Projects
- Financing Mining Projects
- Emerging Issues in Resource Nationalism
- EPA Permitting Process
Participants are:
Stakeholders in the mining industry ( Lawyers, Government Ministries, Industry, Civil Society Organizations, Traditional Authorities, Aid Agencies, Mining Engineers and Professionals, Regulatory Agency Professionals and individuals with interest in mining.