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Certificate in Mining Law and Policy for Sustainable Development

February 9, 2015

Faculty of Law, University of Ghana in Partnership with the University of Western Australia in Perth, Australia, has developed a one-week executive short course in mining law and policy for stakeholders in the mining industry. The course which is  the third in a series of three short courses is aimed at building the capacity of participants in mining law and policy. It is slated for the 2nd -6th of March, 2015.


  1. Understand the Minerals and Mining Act 2006
  2. Nature of Small Scale Mining Industry in Ghana
  3. Common Contractual Agreements in Mining Projects
  4. Community Agreements
  5. Interest Based Negotiations in Mining Projects
  6. Financing Mining Projects
  7. Emerging Issues in Resource Nationalism
  8. EPA Permitting Process

Participants are:

Stakeholders in the mining industry ( Lawyers, Government Ministries, Industry, Civil Society Organizations, Traditional Authorities, Aid Agencies, Mining Engineers and Professionals, Regulatory Agency Professionals and individuals with interest in mining.