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Completed Research Projects


The New Constitutional Law of Ghana: From the Garden of Eden to 2022

Authored by Professor Raymond Atuguba, this academic text explores the development of Constitutional Law in Ghana. The Research Unit provided comprehensive research support to the Dean in preparing this book.

The University of Ghana Statutes

The Research Unit provided comprehensive research support to the Statutes Review Committee, established by the Vice-Chancellor of the University to revise the Statutes of the University. This support included assistance with drafting, editing, and proofreading in the development of the revised University of Ghana Statutes 2024.

Law on Street Vending, University of Pennsylvania

In collaboration with the University of Pennsylvania, the Research Unit summarised case law on street vending in Ghana, contributing valuable insights to the research project.

Research Support to Senior Members for the following articles:


a. Atuguba, Raymond A. (2022). ‘Customary Law Revivalism: Seven Phases in the Evolution of Customary Law in Sub-Saharan Africa,’ McGill Journal of International Law & Legal Pluralism. 3(1). 


a. Gyan, K. & Adongo, A. F. (2023). Compulsory Acquisition Under Ghana's New Land Act: The Good, the Bad and the Ugly. International Journal of Novel Research and Development, 8(5), 272-279.

b. Gyan, K. (2023). A Historical Overview of Compulsory Acquisition of Land in Ghana. International Journal of Science and Research, 12(6), 131-136.

c. Gyan, K. (2023). Traditional and Innovative Mechanisms for Grounding Civil Liability for Environmental Damage from Mining Activities in Ghana. International Journal of Law, Policy and Social Review, 5(2), 110-116.  

d. Gyan, K. & Akampule, A. J. (2023). An Overview of Ghana's History of Mismanagement of Mineral Resources. Indian Journal of Law and Legal Research, 5(3), 8-19.

e. Gyan, K. (2023). Constitutional and Legal Treatment of Matrimonial Property in Ghana: Going Backwards to go Forward. International Journal of Law, 9(3), 38-45.

f. Gyan, K. (2023). Legal Timber in Ghana: A Search for a Definition. International Journal of Humanities and Social Sciences, 12(6), 584-592.

g. Gyan, K. (2023). The Three Movements in the Management of Natural Resources in Ghana: From the Crown Lands Bill of 1897 to the Land Act of 2020. International Journal of Innovative Research and Development, 12(5), 98-106.


a. Dei-Tutu, S. A. (2023). The Role of the Fisheries out-of-court settlement committee and its legality under the Fisheries Act and other Laws of Ghana. International Journal of Novel Research and Development, 8(11), 443-452.