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International Law

Designed to equip students with an advanced understanding of International Law and its impact on modern international politics. It will improve students’ capacity to engage with vexed questions in current global affairs that border on the normativity and legitimacy of International Law in areas like International Human Rights Law, International Trade Law, International Humanitarian Law, International Labour Law, among others.

Human Rights Law and Practice

Provides broad understanding of current legal, regulatory and ethical issues that arise in promoting and protecting human rights. Courses include Theory and Approaches to Human Rights; Foundations of International Human Rights Law; The African Human Rights System; Human Rights in Ghana; Refugee Policy and Protection; International Human Rights Treaties and Covenants; Human Rights Institutions and Courts; Human Rights and the Oil and Mining Industries; Disability and Human Rights; Gender-based violence, Gender and Armed Conflict; and Gender and reproductive health rights issues.

Health Law and Ethics

Provides broad understanding of current legal, regulatory and ethical issues that arise in promoting and protecting human health. Courses include Bioethics; Public Health Law; Global Health Law and Policy; Mental Health; Gender and Reproductive Health Rights; Health and Human Rights; and Innovative Medicine.

Gender and the Law

Offers a unique opportunity for students to study in-depth the overlap between gender, law and discrimination in varied contexts, including employment, labour, disability, and human rights; and to understand the socio-cultural and socio-legal underpinnings of gender challenges within the Ghanaian legal system, and the international legal framework.

Energy Law

Provides specialized in-depth, legal and practical training in upstream, downstream and renewable energy from recognized industry academics along with experienced industry practitioners; and equips students with the necessary skills and knowledge to meet current and evolving developments in the industry.

Corporate and Commercial Law

Provides students with an advanced understanding of Corporate or Commercial Law. Courses include Corporate Laws on Transactions; Commercial Contracts, Governance; Dispute Resolution; Comparative Company Law; Taxation; Financial Markets Regulation; Financial Markets Insolvency; Finance; Insolvency; Financial Law; Rescue and Restructuring.
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